The light (?) car being pushed is H Woollen's Stoneleigh. The elegant sporting light car en panne I don't recognise, although to me it has a whiff of garlic and Gauloises about it.
David Manson
Monday, September 8, 2008
Was there a (or an) Hurtu in the event?
Greg Wrapson
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
No Hurtus David - I suspect it is a Salmson, of which there were four entered. Nothing else seems likely looking through the list.
Mike Wylie
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Note that the Stoneleigh (made by Armstrong Siddeley)is not left-hand-drive but, as this is the early model, has central steering and uses 'reverse cloverleaf seating' and dispenses with the need for oil in the steering box as it is built into the top of the crankcase between the cylinders. This would be ideal for a racing special and I am lead to believe that the exists a Stoneleigh - G.N. Special.
Comments (4)
The light (?) car being pushed is H Woollen's Stoneleigh. The elegant sporting light car en panne I don't recognise, although to me it has a whiff of garlic and Gauloises about it.
Was there a (or an) Hurtu in the event?
No Hurtus David - I suspect it is a Salmson, of which there were four entered. Nothing else seems likely looking through the list.
Note that the Stoneleigh (made by Armstrong Siddeley)is not left-hand-drive but, as this is the early model, has central steering and uses 'reverse cloverleaf seating' and dispenses with the need for oil in the steering box as it is built into the top of the crankcase between the cylinders. This would be ideal for a racing special and I am lead to believe that the exists a Stoneleigh - G.N. Special.