The Autocar's caption: "Sommer (Opel) and Diemer (Wanderer) negotiating a corner near Leonberg in a race for small cars".
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Not sure if the Autocar report is quite right, (as is often the case!) <a href="">This appears to be a good source of info.</a>
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Yes - the Opel looks OK, but I feel certain that the following car is an NSU.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Could well be, there is an NSU in the race according to link above.
Hans Dieckmann
Monday, June 2, 2014
Ernst Sommer (Oepl Car-Dealer) in Ravensburg (Württemberg) Plate: IIIY-3?23 = Ravensburg
Hans Dieckmann
Monday, June 2, 2014
Driver: Ernst Sommer (Opel Dealer) Plate: Richtig IIIY-3123 (IFY falsch)
Comments (6)
The Autocar's caption: "Sommer (Opel) and Diemer (Wanderer) negotiating a corner near Leonberg in a race for small cars".
Not sure if the Autocar report is quite right, (as is often the case!) <a href="">This appears to be a good source of info.</a>
Yes - the Opel looks OK, but I feel certain that the following car is an NSU.
Could well be, there is an NSU in the race according to link above.
Ernst Sommer (Oepl Car-Dealer) in Ravensburg (Württemberg) Plate: IIIY-3?23 = Ravensburg
Driver: Ernst Sommer (Opel Dealer) Plate: Richtig IIIY-3123 (IFY falsch)