Hans von Stuck in the 3.5-litre Austro Daimler. He climbed in 42.8 seconds to make FTD, comfortably breaking the course record set by Raymond Mays in the Vauxhall Villiers in 45.6s the previous season.
Allan Lupton
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Please can we call him Hans Stuck which was his name, and not Hans von Stuck which wasn't.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
It is interesting that the contemporary British motoring press without exception referred to him in error as 'von Stuck', presumably all using the same source - the event programme perhaps? The Autocar embellished this to 'Hans Villiez von Stuck', and a post-war Motor Sport article renders it as 'Hans Stuck von Villiez'. Perhaps they were all overcome by the sight of the extremely handsome sporting Austro-Daimler, adorned with the badges of the motor clubs whose hill climbs he had dominated, in which he arrived at Shelsley on this occasion.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Any idea where this car is now ? I might be able to help
Neil Grierson
Monday, February 26, 2018
Yes the Arrol Aster race number 61 registered SM 7834 is in Australia and I own it. It is road registered and a great car to drive
Comments (5)
Hans von Stuck in the 3.5-litre Austro Daimler. He climbed in 42.8 seconds to make FTD, comfortably breaking the course record set by Raymond Mays in the Vauxhall Villiers in 45.6s the previous season.
Please can we call him Hans Stuck which was his name, and not Hans von Stuck which wasn't.
It is interesting that the contemporary British motoring press without exception referred to him in error as 'von Stuck', presumably all using the same source - the event programme perhaps? The Autocar embellished this to 'Hans Villiez von Stuck', and a post-war Motor Sport article renders it as 'Hans Stuck von Villiez'. Perhaps they were all overcome by the sight of the extremely handsome sporting Austro-Daimler, adorned with the badges of the motor clubs whose hill climbs he had dominated, in which he arrived at Shelsley on this occasion.
Any idea where this car is now ? I might be able to help
Yes the Arrol Aster race number 61 registered SM 7834 is in Australia and I own it. It is road registered and a great car to drive