No 9 is Wood's Temperino again, 8 is a Bleriot-Whippet, 7 an Enfield-Allday, and 6 is Malcolm Campbell's Talbot.
malcolm parker
Friday, August 15, 2008
This appears to be a handicap race with the starter (Ebby?)working backwards along the line whilst studying his stopwatch. Wood in the Temperino appears to be next to go. Driver of the Enfield-Allday still has time for a fag!
martin bryant
Friday, February 27, 2015
Campbell is driving number 6, but the car is a 1462cc Fiat in which he finished third in the 90mph Handicap. He did drive the 15hp Talbot that day as well finishing second in the 100mph Handicap and first in the Lightening Handicap
Comments (3)
No 9 is Wood's Temperino again, 8 is a Bleriot-Whippet, 7 an Enfield-Allday, and 6 is Malcolm Campbell's Talbot.
This appears to be a handicap race with the starter (Ebby?)working backwards along the line whilst studying his stopwatch. Wood in the Temperino appears to be next to go. Driver of the Enfield-Allday still has time for a fag!
Campbell is driving number 6, but the car is a 1462cc Fiat in which he finished third in the 90mph Handicap. He did drive the 15hp Talbot that day as well finishing second in the 100mph Handicap and first in the Lightening Handicap