Startlingly like a 2LS Ballot, the first-ever twin o.h.c. production car?
Greg Wrapson
Friday, August 22, 2008
Yes, certainly a Ballot. What an absolutely lovely car - I want one!
Julian Hunt
Friday, August 22, 2008
In the Inter-Varsity event of 3 March a Ballot driven by J. Lucas-Scudamore was second in class to Robert Summers Vauxhall 30/98 (who set best time of 45.5secs)
Joss Lucas-scudamore
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Could I ask where you found this photo? Thanks
Guest richard crump
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Is Joss Lucas Scudamore a nephew or grandson of the pre-war Ballot driver?? The car is still intact in Australia. Hope he responds??
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I am his grandson. We know he possibly raced the car over there and sold it in the '20s. As he raced it in his 20's we know very little about it and only have one other photo before it had a respray. If you have any further info on him and his racing days it would be of great interest for my family.
Comments (7)
Startlingly like a 2LS Ballot, the first-ever twin o.h.c. production car?
Yes, certainly a Ballot. What an absolutely lovely car - I want one!
In the Inter-Varsity event of 3 March a Ballot driven by J. Lucas-Scudamore was second in class to Robert Summers Vauxhall 30/98 (who set best time of 45.5secs)
Could I ask where you found this photo? Thanks
Is Joss Lucas Scudamore a nephew or grandson of the pre-war Ballot driver?? The car is still intact in Australia. Hope he responds??
I am his grandson. We know he possibly raced the car over there and sold it in the '20s. As he raced it in his 20's we know very little about it and only have one other photo before it had a respray. If you have any further info on him and his racing days it would be of great interest for my family.
Hello do you have any information about Mrs Audrey Scudamore, she should be a relative Joss Lucas Scudamore. She had several Singers and Triumph with which she did racing and hillclimbs in the terties. I'm the owner of her Singer Lemans 1934 with license plate BKO736. I'm searching for more information of Mrs Scudamore . All information is welcome. Best regards, Ivo Matthé