Is this the same Kings as the Austin racing driver form the year before?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It must be very likely. Louis T Kings is listed as having driven a 'Brooklands' model Austin 7 at this same Shelsley meeting to win the up to 1000cc class with a time of 59 3/5 secs. The Twelve was a little slower - 82 secs.
MAC Archivist
Monday, August 10, 2015
Louis T Kings drove Austin 7, 12 & 20 at Shelsley between 1920 & 1924
Ian Hughes
Sunday, February 14, 2016
It is the same Lou Kings. He was my Grandfather, and I have many photos and documents relating to him. You are welcome to contact me
Comments (4)
Is this the same Kings as the Austin racing driver form the year before?
It must be very likely. Louis T Kings is listed as having driven a 'Brooklands' model Austin 7 at this same Shelsley meeting to win the up to 1000cc class with a time of 59 3/5 secs. The Twelve was a little slower - 82 secs.
Louis T Kings drove Austin 7, 12 & 20 at Shelsley between 1920 & 1924
It is the same Lou Kings. He was my Grandfather, and I have many photos and documents relating to him. You are welcome to contact me