Maurice Harvey's 'other' Alvis. (He also drove one of the 200-Miles Race cars at this event.
Friday, November 21, 2008
C M Harvey in a works Alvis, 1598cc, registration HP6145. Second in the 1501-2500cc class.
Friday, November 21, 2008
So are Maurice and C M Harvey one and the same? (Not even mentioning T M Harvey!)
Greg Wrapson
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Yes - Cyril Maurice. "T M Harvey" should be "C M Harvey" - probably my mistake?
David Manson
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Cyril Maurice Harvey, the same. Any other Harvey was an imaginary rabbit who bothered Jimmy Stewart.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
C M Harvey, Maurice Harvey and T M Harvey are now all listed as Cyril Maurice Harvey, no mention of rabbits.
MAC Archivist
Monday, August 10, 2015
Major Harvey was the Alvis works driver for some time. Sadly he lost his life in a shooting incident on The Lizard in Cornwall in the 1930s where his grave can be found at St Keverne parish church.
Comments (7)
Maurice Harvey's 'other' Alvis. (He also drove one of the 200-Miles Race cars at this event.
C M Harvey in a works Alvis, 1598cc, registration HP6145. Second in the 1501-2500cc class.
So are Maurice and C M Harvey one and the same? (Not even mentioning T M Harvey!)
Yes - Cyril Maurice. "T M Harvey" should be "C M Harvey" - probably my mistake?
Cyril Maurice Harvey, the same. Any other Harvey was an imaginary rabbit who bothered Jimmy Stewart.
C M Harvey, Maurice Harvey and T M Harvey are now all listed as Cyril Maurice Harvey, no mention of rabbits.
Major Harvey was the Alvis works driver for some time. Sadly he lost his life in a shooting incident on The Lizard in Cornwall in the 1930s where his grave can be found at St Keverne parish church.