1929 BARC Whit Monday Meeting

1929 BARC Whit Monday Meeting

Autocar Glass Plate B1789




Comments (3)

  • mike
    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    The car is a Brooklands model Riley

  • mike
    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Identification from negative B1310 suggests this is Ted Marsh and H T Guest in UY 4322

  • Peter Thorpe
    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Yes, this is Ted Marsh in his 1928 Riley Brooklands UY4322 who came first in the Forty Eighth 75 m.p.h. Short Handicap, but was later disqualified because his silencer did not meet the regulations. The outlet pipe from the exhaust box had to be no larger than the outlet from the exhaust port and it was found that the tail pipe was a little larger. Writing in April 1972, Marsh said that he doubts that this would have made much difference to the speed of the car. Betting had just been introduced at Brooklands and after the victorious Riley was excluded and the laurels passed to Wilson's Austin, the bookmakers 'thereafter led an unpleasant and argumentative existence'. Whilst racing, a stone broke Marsh's aero screen, cutting his chin.