George Duller can be seen at the starting handle of Bugatti no 1. If we could see the driver of Bugatti no 2 I think it would be Malcolm Campbell, and W B Scott is the driver of Bugatti no 4. Then R S Messervy (was he the chap who was later the Service Manager at R-R's London Service Depot?) in the Burt Special.
bob king
Monday, June 30, 2014
Duller's car is Type 35, 4450, recognised by its distinctive bonnet lifts
Comments (2)
George Duller can be seen at the starting handle of Bugatti no 1. If we could see the driver of Bugatti no 2 I think it would be Malcolm Campbell, and W B Scott is the driver of Bugatti no 4. Then R S Messervy (was he the chap who was later the Service Manager at R-R's London Service Depot?) in the Burt Special.
Duller's car is Type 35, 4450, recognised by its distinctive bonnet lifts