Ivy Cummings' GN nearest the camers. The other car is also a GN. Chinery's Gwynne behind.
Friday, July 20, 2012
'Other' GN very probably driven by Lewis Humphries. Ivy Cummings beat him by 5 seconds in the 1924 Brighton class for 2 cylinder cars up to 1100cc. He can be seen in <a href="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7269/7603956324_bfbf39645a_z.jpg">THIS IMAGE</a> in 1922 at Southsea laying down his traditional smokescreen! To be accurate, The Autocar described Ivy Cummings' car as a Frazer Nash. Easy to understand having read the book about Archie Frazer Nash by Mark Joseland and Trevor Tarring. <a href="http://www.frazernash.co.uk/features/feature1.asp?pageID=1186">LINK</a> <img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8158/7608093720_60da2acd96_z.jpg"></img>
Comments (2)
Ivy Cummings' GN nearest the camers. The other car is also a GN. Chinery's Gwynne behind.
'Other' GN very probably driven by Lewis Humphries. Ivy Cummings beat him by 5 seconds in the 1924 Brighton class for 2 cylinder cars up to 1100cc. He can be seen in <a href="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7269/7603956324_bfbf39645a_z.jpg">THIS IMAGE</a> in 1922 at Southsea laying down his traditional smokescreen! To be accurate, The Autocar described Ivy Cummings' car as a Frazer Nash. Easy to understand having read the book about Archie Frazer Nash by Mark Joseland and Trevor Tarring. <a href="http://www.frazernash.co.uk/features/feature1.asp?pageID=1186">LINK</a> <img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8158/7608093720_60da2acd96_z.jpg"></img>